With 474 square miles in Wilkes County, there is ample space to accommodate industries of all sizes. Check out what we have to offer.
The City of Washington is an active partner with the Washington-Wilkes Payroll Development Authority.
Together we provide an array of location services for businesses considering an industrial location in our community. The city is constantly fine-tuning its services to meet the needs of businesses, consultants, and statewide economic developers.
The Director of Economic Development is available to assist in site searches, tours of the community, establishing partnerships with local, regional, and state resources, and helping to identify the most beneficial business incentives. Location services are available to both existing industries and to new industries.
Please contact Janet Parker, the Director of the Washington-Wilkes Payroll Development Authority to request services.
The Washington-Wilkes Payroll Development Authority has sites available in the Washington-Wilkes Industrial Park.
The State of Georgia uses a team approach for economic development. Industrial site marketing partners for these industrial parks are Electric Cities of Georgia, Georgia EMC, and the Georgia Power Company. The City of Washington partners with each to assure every opportunity for new jobs is pursued.
The Washington-Wilkes Industrial Park is available for manufacturers that do not require direct railroad access. It is home to Berry Plastics and Canfor. Just a short drive from downtown Washington and minutes to Interstate 20 via a healthy state highway system, the park is an ideal location for industries.